29 August 2011

Isn't the First Amendment for everybody?

OK, so I like to study a lot of political viewpoints, I like the give-and-take of political debate. I like having my opinions challenged in scholarly or friendly discussion.

That's why I am so disappointed in a FB group I joined, and just now left.

It's called The Liberal Library. It is supposed to represent progressive political thinking, but there was a post this morning about how a Wisconsin union has banned Republicans from marching in a Labor Day Parade.

Now, we all know that Republicans and Big Labor are not friendly. And, we know there has been a union-busting effort that began at the door of the governor's office in Wisconsin.

But, don't we also know that there is this little thing called the First Amendment that is supposed to guarantee our freedom of speech no matter which party we subscribe to?

I pointed this out in the comment box and was saddened by the responses.

"F*** 'em!" was there. So was: "Turnabout is fair play."

I don't think so.

How can people who are supposedly so dedicated to fair play, equality and freedom be so one-sided? How can they cry out for individual rights and freedoms for one side, but not realize that is a two-sided coin? How can they take up a tactic that their opposition has used so strongly for decades? 

It does little to substantiate the progressive stance that we should be able to have civil discourse, hear all voices, and act like responsible adults instead of banning people or groups from events or exposure.

There was a huge hue and cry recently when a bunch of liberal Facebook pages were blocked for spamming and other activity that, well, seemed unwarranted. These same people were angry because their free speech was interupted. Now, they would block somebody else's?

Seems hypocritical to me.

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