During the recent political season, when candidates were out pounding the street for votes, I sat with more than my share of veterans and neophytes, wannabes who believed “public service” was their way to “give back” to a country that had “given (them) so much.”
They wanted to go to Washington, D.C., where they would, all of them said, “work hard” to ensure “a better life” for all Americans.
They wanted to “make a difference,” institute “positive change” and “listen to the working men and women of America.”
They would “fix the economy,” they all said. But they couldn’t tell me how.
They would hold taxes down, yet provide more social services. But, they couldn’t tell me how.
They would fix unemployment, but couldn’t tell me how.
Finally, I asked one of the candidates: “You want to really save American jobs and help the economy?”FollowTheMoney.org and OpenSecrets.org and saw that, indeed, he had received money from Big Pharma, as well as other associated health care lobbyists, which explained his being aghast at pulling in the reins on the pharmaceutical companies and his vote against the Obama health reform measure.