A whale doesn't know Jack about politics. It doesn't know where Washington, D.C. is, doesn't care about who sits in the Oval Office or who is Speaker of the House.
And, it doesn't compromise. It doesn't need to because these are the largest creatures on the planet. They have few enemies other than man, who continues to poison the seas and follow commercial fishing practices that threaten the whale and so many other ocean inhabitants.
They are very social creatures. They usually bond with other members of their pods and remain with these little families for life. They hunt in a sophisticated manner -- for nourishment puposes only -- and protect the young, the sick, the injured.
Life is simple for the whale.
They live, love and laugh -- trust me, if you've ever seen them play in the ocean, you know they laugh.
We can learn a lot from this, you know, especially when it comes to the compromise thing.
If you are the biggest, baddest thing on Earth, like, say the United States, you don't have a need to constantly flex those muscles, show your ruff and search for blood in the water.
You can understand what the greater needs of the pod are and work together to feed and protect the young, the injured, the infirm.
You don't have to run with the pack in a sort of gang mentality that thrives on the thrill of the kill, much like our political parties do these days, particularly as the sharks face off against each other in this foolishness now before Congress where preserving tax cuts for the rich is standing in the way of all that is important to the real people who inhabit this nation.
Oh, there's blood in the water, to be sure, as the lame duck Congress postures for the upcoming change that will take place when the Republicans take control of the House in a couple weeks. The sharks are circling. There's pork to protect, deals to be preserved. So they dance the dance of the wicked, clutching each other only closely enough to scratch each other's backs.
And, nothing of value will come of it.
Oh, they will figure a way to take care of the real problem -- extending unemployment benefits to those who got the shaft because 30 years ago a B-movie actor who was a worse president than screen presence, deregulated the banks and started down a path of economic principles that have had a devastating effect on this country. They will solve this with a compromise that will allow the rich to hold on to tax cuts initiated by a stuttering cowboy who couldn't spell "cat" if you spotted him the "C" and "A."
So we'll end up with an ever-growing deficit and a little relief -- at least until spring -- for those unemployed and feed the continuance of compromise, which has ruined this country.
Compromise is the offspring of weaklings who are afraid to implement meaningful change. It satisfies no one other than the naive or gutless who are either so uninformed or so afraid that they cave on principles so they don't offend anybody or have to stand up and fight for what is right.
They've compromised on health care, they've compromised on the war, they've compromised on taxes, now they are going to compromise on the morality of continuing to feed the rich who have fattened themselves at the expense of the working men and women of this country.
Load me up a bucket of Pacificos on ice, coach. I'd rather sit on a beach in Baja and watch the whales dance in the water than witness the destruction of this country at the hands of the Washington, D.C. sharks whose only desire is to follow the blood in the water.
I've had my share of the Great American Nightmare, thank you very much, and long for a season of peace and contentment instead of the painful realization that the sharks are circling and it is our blood they are chasing.